• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by Jboh

  1. Jboh

    Favorite PC Game ?

    As far as PC exclusive titles go, Endless Legend is my favorite right now. I've sunk many hours into the Civilization games and I plan on sinking many hours into Endless Legend as well. :P Outside of exclusive titles though, Bastion and Transistor remain my favorite games to date. I boot up...
  2. Jboh

    How much time do you spend in game?

    I used to play WoW a lot back in high school. A single play-session would go anywhere from 8-10 hours depending on how much schoolwork I had. I actually took breaks on the weekends and did other things since I didn't want to be one of those guys who ends up devoting his life to World of...
  3. Jboh

    Pokemon Games

    I loved Pokemon for a very long time. Pokemon Yellow was my first video game and Gold version still remains one of my favorite games to date. I do play the games from time to time and I occasionally dabble around in competitive play, but I fell off the Pokemon train around the 5th generation of...
  4. Jboh

    Where do you find your older games?

    I have a friend whose dad owns a gaming store that usually stocks a lot of the old stuff. Sometimes they have what I want, sometimes they don't. Aside from the obvious Goodwill and any local thrift stores, you can sometimes find some great stuff at garage sales. More often than not, I find that...
  5. Jboh

    Good Adventure PC game

    If you don't mind a really unintuitive control scheme , Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons is a nice adventure game. It does have some blood at certain parts, but for the most part there isn't much violence. (If any. It's been a while since I've booted it up) I also recommend looking into Transistor...