• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by iamauser

  1. iamauser

    Old School Gaming

    I love playing retro games every now and again. The only disappointing thing is when you hype them up in your head, and then your find out they arent so good :(
  2. iamauser

    Do you have to complete a game 100%?

    Depends on the game I guess. If i really enjoy it I do, but thats not very often
  3. iamauser

    Gears Of War Series Discussion Thread

    The Gears of War series has to be my favourite game series ever. I have played all 3 versions to pieces. Does anyone else have any of these games? What did you think of them?
  4. iamauser

    Favorite Gaming Character

    Dizzy from Gears of War :D
  5. iamauser


    I used to play loads. Hardly play now though. And yes, I have botted before lol
  6. iamauser

    Final Fantasy Series

    I quite like playing them, I find I never complete them though. I think the storyline of the older versions were fantastic, but the graphics now are stunning. absolutely love the new graphics