• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by HeadHunterX

  1. HeadHunterX

    Horror Game Project: One Night

    Yeah and PT was the playable teaser for Silent Hills, the unfortunately cancelled next release. So....yeah I was dead on with how it felt XD
  2. HeadHunterX


    Just realized I never posted one of these. So I figured why the Hell not, I'm bored anyways. Hey there everyone, my name is Hunter and some of you know me from First Order or have seen me around a few of the other servers. Praise the Dong and have a wonderful day. ~:dong:~
  3. HeadHunterX

    Horror Game Project: One Night

    I'd play the Hell out of this in a heartbeat. Given the example you've provided it reminds me a lot of PT. Which is something I was very much looking forward to
  4. HeadHunterX

    Best Moments on any ASG server...

    My best moment was likely when Warhammer 40k joined up with us and I started playing it. I joined during a large scale Tyranid event and the Death Korps of Krieg had to fight their way to the spawn area to pick me up. Once they got me to the FOB they gave me a Lasgun and told me to help defend...
  5. HeadHunterX

    Imperial Hype

    Ooo, choices, choices, choices. Can't wait to see this come up X3
  6. HeadHunterX

    Imperial Hype

    Inquisitors will be a thing eh? Oh...that might just be something to aspire to be. But Novatroopers as well....hmm....what about Shadow Troopers? Will they be included?
  7. HeadHunterX

    Imperial Hype

    Damn no Dark Troopers....Oh well, I'll figure something else out to be I'm sure XD
  8. HeadHunterX


    I'm glad you posted that XD
  9. HeadHunterX


    Lower likely. Not a lot of people will make good on their promises/threats to leave the US if he wins. They're just acting like children is all.
  10. HeadHunterX

    Imperial Hype

    Will Dark Troopers be a thing?