• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by halcyon220

  1. H

    Favorite Game Engine?

    id Tech 3 has the best coding support I've ever seen, as well as easy to use radiants. I spent many hours making crappy mods for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory haha. But sadly nothing came of them. But It was still a great learning experience.
  2. H

    Opinions on Steam

    Although Steam itself is a great piece in gaming history, the software itself is...crap. It barely works! It's poorly coded and although one of the major updates helped, it's still a botch job - Not to mention how bad the support is. But I love the deals and the integration with all the games...
  3. H

    What is your favorite browser?

    Google chrome, although while eating a lot of RAM and processing, works perfect for me. In my opinion it's the fastest browser out there, and does everything I need it to!
  4. H

    How much are your Steam Games worth?

    https://steamdb.info/calculator/76561198058982765/?cc=us Mine is over $1100!
  5. H

    Minecraft comes to PS Vita

    It's a really good port, the best experience on-the-go no doubt. i own it and it was free with my PS3 :D
  6. H

    Do you wait for discounts?

    I do, I even buy steam keys from g2a.com If I don't feel like paying full price. This is something console has which PC doesn't.