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Recent content by guruproto

  1. guruproto

    Which division and tier do you currently belong?

    I'm currently Gold IV with aims of getting to Platinum. I feel like I'm at the right place for matchmaking. I can best my lane opponent 75% of the time, but there is still a lot of noob mistakes that I find myself making, and my champion pool is quite low. I've never had the mentality of...
  2. guruproto

    Favorite ranked role?

    I believe Mid and Jungle are the easiest role to carry with. A good jungler can provide map pressure and potentially turn a losing lane. Even if your team is doing poorly, a jungler with a strong late game can afk farm and carry his team, although it is more difficult. Mid laners can carry a...
  3. guruproto

    Which MMORPG are you playing?

    Currently in love with Path of Exile. It's basically Diablo the MMO. The skill tree is massive, which allows for a ton of options to get the stats you want for your particular class. To add to this, the weapons and armor in the game can be modified by gems that grant additional spells, powers...
  4. guruproto

    Team Builder

    I queue up for soloq more than team builder. If you don't have a dedicated group of friends, it can take a while to start a game, and even when you play with friends you can expect to spend a while looking for supports and marksmen. If you already have a 4 or 5 man team then I don't see the...
  5. guruproto

    Which new PC games have caught your eye?

    There are so many new releases coming that it's hard to peg just one. I guess the Division and Fallout are the games that I'm looking forward to the most. I love shooters and the Division is shaping up to an awesome, multiplayer experience. The graphics are impressive and the light RPG elements...
  6. guruproto

    Plague Inc. Evolved -- Let's Infect the World!

    I have the same feelings. I played Plague Inc when it was still a free flash game at miniclip.com. I loved the strategic gameplay and the ability to customize the perfect virus that would wipe out humanity (having silly names for your virus was a plus, too). When I found it on Google Play, I was...
  7. guruproto

    Diablo 3 Soundtrack

    I'm not going to lie here -- I loved the soundtrack for the game, but I wouldn't buy it. You can listen to the soundtrack on YouTube for free, and you could just download it from there to your iPod / PC / console. Regardless, it is still worth the cost for those who want to purchase it. Some of...
  8. guruproto

    Should Alpha Game be free?

    I think it depends on the alpha. Some developers may require payment for their alphas to cover development costs. Some games that come to mind are Overgrowth, We Happy Few, and many Kickstarter games. If this is the case, I don't mind paying for it. Even if it is buggy, you have early access to...
  9. guruproto

    Do you wait for discounts?

    I definitely wait for a discount before I purchase the game. The only exceptions to this rule is if they have unique prizes or rewards for players who buy it immediately, such as the Halo beta that came packaged with Crackdown (underrated game by the way, if anyone wants to try it). Even if it's...
  10. guruproto

    Favorite horror game?

    Mine would be Amnesia and Penumbra. Triple A horror games are a rarity, but the indie community has proven to be an excellent source of true chills-down-my-spine horror games, and Penumbra is an excellent example. Instead of relying on gore fests and high end graphics, Penumbra makes you shiver...
  11. guruproto

    Favorite childhood game

    Easily Super Mario 64. Although I was young and horrible at it, Mario was one of my favorite video game characters and the game itself was amazing. I was constantly scolded by my parents for staying up too long to try and finish that last level and gain a star. Now that I have grown older, I...
  12. guruproto

    What are your favorite death discouragement mechanics?

    Permadeath and killing off party members are my favorite mechanics. Nothing makes you more cautious and focused than the constant threat of losing everything you worked for. The consequences of permadeath gives a high-risk high-reward playstyle that is absolutely thrilling to me. It makes you...
  13. guruproto

    Are there any games you can play over and over and never tire of?

    Strategy games like Civilization and MOBAs like League of Legends are an ongoing addiction for me. I've been a fan of Civilization since Civ IV, and CIV V currently holds my attention. I love trying to find the best tech trees for each win condition, and the AI and multiple difficulty settings...
  14. guruproto

    Difficulty or Fun?

    I think my best answer would be that difficulty is fun for me. I am a competitive, intrinsically motivated person. The enjoyment I get from a game comes from mastering the game's mechanics and overcoming the obstacles the developers have placed. I get a sense of enjoyment from mastering the...