• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by GingerGoddess

  1. GingerGoddess

    Worst Game Ever Played?

    While probably not the worst I was disappointed when No Man's Sky came out because it didn't live up to the hype. That being said though I do enjoy the game if I ignore everything that they promised. I couldn't get into Terraria on Steam, I didn't enjoy the graphics or the game style but I got...
  2. GingerGoddess

    Kicking a member

    I've had to kick quite a few people out of a guild before. If they can't follow guild rules, are harassing other members and generally aren't being a team player then it's time to let them go. While it sucks to do so you don't want to lose other members or to run the risk of others not joining...
  3. GingerGoddess

    Best deal?

    I went to Gamestop to see the price of Dynasty Warriors 8 that had just been released, sadly I couldn't afford it at the time so I bought a different Dynasty Warriors for $10. When I got home I opened the game to play it and inside the case was Dynasty Warriors 8! I couldn't believe it and...
  4. GingerGoddess

    WHY do you game?

    When I was younger I gamed to escape the abuse of my childhood while making new friends whom I could make a new identity to. Be someone who was older, cooler and someone people would generally like. Gaming truly helped me through my rough times in life, as cliche as that sounds. Now that I'm...
  5. GingerGoddess

    The Legend of Zelda

    Playing Breath of the Wild on my Wii U, while enjoyable, has been a sort of a trial for me. The FPS sucks and it's constantly lagging during a boss battle. I can't wait until my husband and I can afford to splurge on the Switch. I don't think it's too much different from the other Zelda games...