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Recent content by Dame6089

  1. Dame6089

    The Last Game You Lost Sleep Over

    Undertale was the last game like that for me. But interestingly enough, it's wasn't keeping me up by playing the game. I was up researching the game. I wanted to know what happening in the other paths. I wanted to know all of the little Easter eggs. I wanted to know everything. Without actually...
  2. Dame6089

    What are your predictions from E3 this year?

    You are spot on. E3 is honestly more for the business people at this point. It's for shifting stock prices and things like that by showing what you have on the pipeline. Gamers get their news through numerous other sources now. Like you said, Nintendo Direct is a great example. While I'm...
  3. Dame6089

    What is your favorite free-to-play game?

    Pokemon Shuffle is by far my favorite free to play game. I would reccomend the 3DS version over the mobile version though. The mobile version goes out of its way to make you spend money. Whereas on the 3DS, you can reliably grind coins without every paying real cash. There are probably better...
  4. Dame6089

    Where do you find your older games?

    It's getting harder and harder as retro collecting becomes more mainstream. I would avoid ebay unless you desperately want a game. Ebay is usually the highest price a game could ever go for. I would recommend yard sales and flea markets. Some flea market sellers try to prove match ebay now, but...
  5. Dame6089

    What happened to Arcades?

    The biggest factor that caused the downfall of arcades was technology. Arcades were the place you could go for experiences that you couldn't get at home. By the 16 bit era, Super Ninendo and Genesis were getting close to arcade quality. Sure Mortal Kombat was better at the arcade, but it was...
  6. Dame6089

    The Legend of Zelda Series

    I will ride or die for Ocarina of Time forever. It is my favorite game of all time and I have played it more than 10 times to completion. For better or worse, Ocarina laid the framework for all modern Zelda games. The idea of doing a forest, fire, and water dungeon in some order is something...
  7. Dame6089

    Favorite Nintendo Console?

    For me I would say the Gamecube, but it is probably for nostalgic reasons. I was in middle school at the time of the Gamecube, so I had a ton of time to play all of the gems on that system. I particularly have fond memories of Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, and...
  8. Dame6089

    Should I just Skip the Wii U?

    I have a Wii U and love it, but I will admit that it is not for everyone. How much do you love Nintendo games? Are you only interested in Zelda? If that is the case, then I would either pass on the Wii U or wait for a crazy sale around Black Friday or the NX's launch. However, if you love...
  9. Dame6089

    Who Even Plays Their Nintendo Wii?

    I don't play the Wii very often, but that is mainly because I have a Wii U. There isn't much of a reason to play Smash Bros Brawl when I have Smash 4, which imo is a much better game. If anything, the most my Wii U gets used nowadays is when I have friends over who want to play some Wii Sports...
  10. Dame6089

    What are your predictions from E3 this year?

    Well Nintendo initially said that only Zelda will be at E3, but that has just recently been confirmed to mean that only Zelda will be on the show room floor. The Tree House will be there like usual and will be covering other games. I'm guessing most of the attention will still be paid on Zelda...