• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by Dadas

  1. Dadas

    Minecraft best on what console?

    Xbox since it came out way before the PS3, it has a lot of things the PS3 doesn't. PC is still the best for Minecraft though.
  2. Dadas

    Favourite COD

    Favorite Call of Duty would have to be Black Ops 2 considering it was my first. I feel like this game was nearly perfect from the campaign to zombies.
  3. Dadas

    Why does CoD: Ghosts get so much hate?

    It's just a terrible game in my opinion. The spawn system is garbage. Extinction is boring. The gun balancing is pretty terrible. It's extremely laggy. Yeah just terrible. All though I did like the campaign.
  4. Dadas

    How Many Hours Wasted On GTA?

    I'd say a little over 100 hours. I'd have more but its only fun when you're playing with friends.
  5. Dadas

    Personal Favorite Champion?

    Annie, she's just op.