• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by aussie2

  1. aussie2

    [POLL] Android or iOS

    I use android because it's a lot more accessible than iOS, but I would admit that iOS does have a better range of apps. I'm pretty sure android has more, but may of them are of a much lower quality than iOS. Then again, android probably still has about 95% of the good apps that iOS has so I...
  2. aussie2

    Favourite All Time Game

    My favourite game ever is undoubtedly Pokemon Red/blue. It was one of the first games I ever played, and no game since has come close to it. Every few years, I'll download a gameboy emulator and blast through it again, never getting bored of it. I'm hoping game freak is going to push the boat...
  3. aussie2

    PS1 Favorite PS1 Game

    Has to be final fantasy 9 for me. I know it's one of the more divisive final fantasy games, but I have some very fond memories of hogging the ps1 while playing it for hours. Maybe I'm biased though, because it was my first final fantasy game and what drew me into the series.
  4. aussie2

    Nintendo Switch - is it worth it?

    It depends how much you want to play nintendo's games really. Right now I'd say it's probably not worth it because it looks like nintendo have opted for a soft launch (meaning there's few games our right now), and are releasing a few games a month in preparation for the end of the year when...