• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Recent content by Arariel

  1. Arariel


    Thanks guys. :)
  2. Arariel

    My Recent Pickups

    Nice. I'm kinda jealous. :P I really want to start recording, but can't.
  3. Arariel

    How a Bungie dev’s butt may have cost Microsoft $500K

    This sounds like something I'd be tempted to do as a prank. XD
  4. Arariel

    The gold Apple Watch Edition will start at $10,000

    Tbh, I feel really sad for people that actually buy expensive, useless garbage like this.
  5. Arariel

    Game of Thrones

    GoT doesn't interest me at all. A big factor in it is just how obsessed people are with the show.
  6. Arariel

    Walking Dead

    Initially, I loved TWD. The latest season. not so much. I guess it has just gotten way too repetitive.
  7. Arariel

    You're vs Your

    Sadly, the reality is that a lot of people, especially teens, don't care at all. It really irritates me to see them misuse the two.
  8. Arariel


    Greetings, everyone!! I'm Arariel, or just Ara or T. How is it going?