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Ultimate Programming Guide


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
Hello everyone! My name is Michael and I am a nerd when it comes to development or anything that relates to a computer.

Today, I'm going to write this guide for all you newbie programming nerds. This thread will be divided in different sections for each major programming language. If there is a language that you want on this thread, be sure to private message me and I will add it on there.

Let's start with the most popular one, Java.

What is Java?
Java is a backend programming language. It was developed by a man named James Gosling at a company named Sun Microsystems (A company that sold computers and other informational computer help) The programming language was developed in the 1990s. The term Java was chosen because the developers had coffee while making the language.

The programming language Java is the most popular programming language out there and over 3 billion phones (Yes, your smartphone runs Java.)

Java was made by C and C++. It is robust, class based, object oriented, and multi-threaded.

Where can I learn about Java?
As there are several tutorials out there, I have made a list of where you can learn Java.
  • TheNewBoston
  • Pogostick29dev
  • The Java Documentation
  • Java for Dummies
Now that we are done with Java, let's move on to C++

What is C++?
C++ not to be confused with C+. C++ is a programming language that you use to make desktop software such as Google Chrome, Skype, CCleaner etc. Also if you want to make a video game then C++ is just for you!

If you are a Apple fan, then Swift is for you.

What is Swift?
Swift is a programming language that is used for Apple/iOS to make Apple apps. If you want to read more, Apple has a full documentation on it.


While on the topic of application coding, here is another language to learn while developing your Apple app. My good ol friend, Objective-C.

If you still have the idea of wanting to develop application made for apple. You are going to need to learn Objective-C.

What is Objective-C?
Objective-C is the primary programming language you use when writing software for OS X and iOS.

Apple has the documentation on Objective-C which I will link,

Time to move away from Apple and get on with web development (My favorite)

What is Python?
Python is a language used for web development. It almost does everything you want (Except doing your chores) It can do web applications, data analysis, user interface.

Well, that will be for all! If you have any requests, be sure to PM me or reply on this thread.