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Any Smite players for PC and/or Xbox?

Rachel Dodd

Active Member
Jul 1, 2015
Reaction score
I play on both but prefer the PC. I'm pretty good at the game and I wanted to know if anyone can join me sometime. I don't play league, just casual conquest. If you want to join me some time, here's my username: RayeDaVirgo.
I'm good with Bastet...she's my favorite! Who are yours and what's your favorite role? Did you like the new patch that rolled out this week?


Active Member
Jul 11, 2015
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I love Smite but I haven't played in a really long time for some reason. I started in December and in just one month got to level 17 and unlocked all but one of the Neith upgrades which I love playing as. Hadn't played since Maybe February but plan on getting back in soon and entering all sorts of tournaments.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2016
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I have been a big player of Smite ever since getting my Xbox One and finding it on the free-to-play section. It is based from a team in Georgia, which is where I am from, so that makes me want to support them even more. I loved playing on the Xbox until I realized it was on the PC as well (should've known due to the type and style of game). Then, I started playing on my PC for the majority.

My favorite character is Ra, and I love soloing with him. For some reason, I am good at soloing with him and support with him (which is odd because I suck at support for all other games). It is a really fun game and I really like the over-the-shoulder camera, this is what originally drew me to the game.