• IMPORTANT: Welcome to the re-opening of GameRebels! We are excited to be back and hope everyone has had a great time away. Everyone is welcome!

Search results

  1. luispas

    What's your favorite item?

    My favorite one since I start in League is the Statikk Shiv. It was so so great when you could get extra money with one part of the Shiv, I can't remember the specific name of it. What I love the most from this item it's the wave clear it has and that powerful crit when it's charged. I'm an ADC...
  2. luispas

    Would you like or wish to be challenger?

    Hello summoners :) I'm a current Gold player (I know, this still is elo hell) so I need to climb much more, but I don't play very often so I don't have the real opportunity to be in a higher position. Anyways, I would love to be challenger, be recognized, make streams and know much more people...
  3. luispas

    Who are your favorite Streamers?

    I love to watch my favorite players stream/youtube channel because I can improve by fallowing their steps or just by trying to make the same plays they do, it's a great way to learn and improve your game. I wanted to share with you my favorite ones and also read who are your favorites. I rather...
  4. luispas

    With which champion did you do your first pentakill?

    This is a memory we all keep inside our hearts. It's awesome to make a Pentakill but nothing more satisfying than the first one, the feeling cannot be compared. My first one was with Miss Fortune, I was a real fan of her, she helped me a lot, when I was starting paying the game I was on bronze...
  5. luispas

    What do you do when you have a flamer on your team?

    We all have been in the situation of having a toxic player on our team, and it is the worst :persevere: it's really frustration that someone cannot understand her/his own mistakes, someone who don't allow any errs from anybody. And I also know, that we all been the flamer, don't lie to me...
  6. luispas

    Do you rather play alone? Or with friends?

    I love playing with my playing League with my friends, but, there's moments where I want to play ranked alone and I sadly have to leave them. So it's hard for me to respond, the answer would be...that I rather play with my friends. It's a lot more fun.
  7. luispas

    Am I alone?

    I feel like here there are not many people, I was watching the last posts and they were all from me. I don't know if people connect here in a different hour, but I can't see a lot of people here, just the admin and a few people who responded me. It's not that I want attention, I just wanted to...
  8. luispas


    She's the night hunter. This champion is based on the movie Van Helsing. She has the most terrifying story in the game. Resuming it, she lost her family when she was young, a witch killed them. By herself she starts studying and then join the Demacia Defensors to destroy all the darkness and...
  9. luispas

    What's your favorite MOBA?

    I love playing this genre and definitely my favorite game is League of Legends. It takes all my time, I love the mechanics, the plays one can do, the champions, their personality, the skins, the lanes, everything on it. My passion is to drawing, so it would be a honor if one day I have the...
  10. luispas

    The TOP lane

    If you ask me I would say that this is the most passive lane (for me), that's why I enjoy playing it, I know it's not my best lane, but when they give it to me I just focused myself on farming and watching when my bot start a fight just for using my tp there. I love playing Renekton, Gragas...
  11. luispas

    The MID lane

    This is an aggressive lane but at the same time it can be a very passive one. It depends on what champion you or your enemy uses. On this lane you can pick the casters, the assassins generally, right now you can see even an ad-carry here. So, the goal here is to stands out by killing your enemy...
  12. luispas

    Is it hard to be the Support?

    As I mentioned before I love playing as Ad-carry on League of Legends and I talked about the Support role. I like playing as Supp too, I really enjoyed it, maybe it's because as an Adc main I know how I wanted a Support would be, so I try by best to fulfill my own expectations. Does someone here...
  13. luispas

    What to do when you lose a ranked?

    This is about League of Legends, and how to deal with the sadness or anger when you lose a ranked game. Normally I tent to hear the music I like, go outside a little, take a walk. Another thing that I love to do is making drawings, with pencils, so I spend a lot of time doing it, it distract my...
  14. luispas

    I want to buy a pc

    The thing is that my computer died and I need to replace it. I need to find a way to buy a new one that won't be very expensive. I don't know if it's better to buy it peace by peace or buy a complete new one. Other thing, I don't know what would be the best option to buy. If you have any...
  15. luispas

    Sivir drawing

    Here's a drawing that I made 2 years ago, when Roit announced that Sivir was going to have the Victorious skin. It was the time to pick an Adc for these thematic and she was the chosen one, because everyone played a lot with her in season 5. She's very fun to play and I like her so I decided to...
  16. luispas

    Why do you like Overwatch?

    I don't understand how and why everyone is obsessed with this game. I played it but I was a little confused with everything. I don't like too much the shooters. I can only find Tracer as the only reason to play it, shes so fun. I wanted to know why do you like this game.
  17. luispas

    ADC in 2017

    This is my favorite role in the game, I love focusing on farming and playing on the bottom side of the map. Having a support makes everything better, but if it's difficult when someone who doesn't know very much how to play it. Right now, it's very hard to play as an ad-carry, you need to be...
  18. luispas

    One of my favorite champs

    JINX, yes, I love Jinx. She has a great personality, she's fun and outgoing. I like a lot her abilities, she can kill you from far away or right on your face. Her dance moves, and laugh are the best for me. I love being the Adc, it's my favorite role in the game, I know that playing Jinx right...